Book : The Four Agreements


My little brother called me the other day and was beside himself with joy. He had started reading this amazing book. His son is having some challenges and the counselor recommended the book, so Christopher decided to read it as well. He’s like…”why didn’t you make me read this years ago?” I laugh and share the old saying ” The teacher appears when the student is ready!!!”

This special and profound little book has become my Bible of sorts over these past many years. The Four Agreements came on to the scene in 1997, Almost 20 years old, and this book reads with a fresh perspective every time I pick it up.

What are the four agreements? You must read the book to find out (or listen to it on books on tape like my brother Christopher).

This is the perfect time to read, explore, and set your fresh Goals and Intentions for this new year of 2017.

Happy New Year and Many Blessings to each and every one of you.


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