Music : Sara Hickman – Shine


SHINE features ten unique songs brought to life from poems and visions. This album is a highly ambitious effort for Sara, whose songs were given wings by Los Angeles-based musician, producer and songwriter, Jim Jacobsen (Eels, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs). Of the recording process, Hickman states that “Usually, I have a plan, an entire concept for a recording in mind, and then I write the songs to fit into that ideology. However, with SHINE, I just had fun. I wanted to take risks and just go with the flow, starting with those scraps of ideas.

SHINE was recorded in Los Angeles, away from family and friends, imparting a different vibe and energy. Hickman claims that “making music is such a weird job because who knows where it comes from? There’s nothing, then… Bam! A song exists. And if it connects with other people, that weirdness blends into blissful camaraderie. Or it pisses people off. But I guess that’s what art/music is supposed to do — cause a reaction. Otherwise, you’re just a feral cat, but you aren’t aware of the fact.”

Sara’s music “testifies to her diverse and emotional songwriting capabilities that appeal to a wide range of audiences.” With “Shine,” it’s positive and encouraging song, that Hickman says is for people “to come out of their shell.” With “You Are Not Alone,” the single inspires those to keep on going amidst adversity, to keep their hope alive. These songs aren’t just feel-good filler; they’re personal and true to Sara and her poignant message of truth and kindness.

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