
Nasa – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA did it better. This is an amazing sight from space.

How was your Great American Eclipse? My experience was beautiful on so many levels.

Thanks to everyone that shared your wonderful eclipse selfies while watching with the glasses we passed out. You are all very welcome!

I decided on my viewing location. Turtle Creek. Funny, I was getting all settled in my little piece of shade waiting patiently, for the moon was taking her sweet time. I went into a beautiful deep meditation and came out to peek periodically at this auspicious event.

A middle aged Chinese couple came up to me and were pointing to my eclipse glasses. They did not speak a word of English and lucky for me, I brought with me a few extra pairs. I had just earlier walked thru Lee Park, and gave a pair to a nice black man who was ironically enough, taking care of the grounds at Lee Park that were ruined from all the weddings at Arlington Hall.

I handed the Chinese man my last pair of glasses and he was so happy. Funny, he kept taking pictures of the eclipse using the glasses in front of his camera on his phone. I tried it as well and was cool. Not the best photos, but I wasn’t there for photos. I went back to my meditation and looked up every now and a then. I noticed the wife was gone so I looked and the man was still taking photos and playing with the eclipse glasses like a little kid on a video game.

About 20 minutes later the Chinese lady came back towards the end of the eclipse and gifted me with a beautiful red silk Chinese knot. This was a very sweet gesture. We hugged, they took our group photo. We said our thanks and good byes … the best we could in our languages of our hearts.

I googled the meaning of this Chinese Knots is used to express good wishes, including happiness prosperity and love. The perfect exchange for The American Eclipse from the hearts of China. Pretty cool Eh?

NASA’s official website

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