Power of the Heart


Coleman Strauss, my SMU intern for this fall semester, recommended this video to me since he knows I’m interested in Meditation. An Economics Major with a full schedule taking electives in Ancient Egypt, Hinduism and Metaphysics… My kind of Intern!!!

Thank you to Spirit Science for this incredible video. The heart is one of the most important aspects of spirituality. In the past, the heart has typically been regarded as not as important as the brain, for it doesn’t “think” or allow us to understand the world in the way the brain does. The heart has an incredible energy field and is filled with its own set of filing “neurons” which help it act as a different kind of brain in and of itself. If the heart is calm and steady, the mind is calm and steady. The power of the heart allows us to feel empathy and compassion for others and scientifically it also has its own energy field that is much larger than that of the brain. 100x stronger electrically, and 1000x stronger magnetically.

Our intuition ultimately stems from the heart. One way to step into the power of the heart is to relax into a deep meditation and focus on the breath. When we are relaxed enough, we can begin to think of all the things we are grateful for in our life and hold a feeling of gratitude.

As we practice keeping this heart space open in our daily lives, we can start to integrate and embody this pure love that is found deep within us all and radiate it out to everyone around us.

Watch the Spirit Science Video Here

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