White Wolf Journeys


They were here long before us, they hold the balance of our water planet and yet we have not learned to live in harmony with these magnificent beings.

As I begin to prepare for the gathering that will occur on Stradbroke Island this weekend,  my heart is filled with great joy as so many have answered the call to join us.  Even if you can not physically be with us, we need your light.  We can make a difference if we join  together.

With uncanny timing, I received several emails bringing my attention to the fact that the US Navy continues to conduct sonar testing as well as war games off the shores of Hawaii with a huge impact on the cetaceans and sea turtles who share our water planet.  Another email came in that a pilot whale had been spotted in the waters of Southern California with netting wrapped around it’s tail and was in obvious distress.  He had approached several surfers as though he was reaching out for help.  Reading these emails instantly sent  waves of anger  through me and then a deep sadness  with a thought that we as humans continue to make the same mistakes.   As I always do when I feel frustration or a sense of helplessness I went for a hike in nature.

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I quickly heard the voice of an ancient one as I sat beneath one of my favorite Pohutakawa trees remind me that I could choose to fret and feel hopeless… or I could do my part and make a difference.  I could either get pulled into the emotion of the situation or I could instead join our spiritual family together as one focused light.    I could not do it alone,  however.  This I have always known, to make any type of change it begins as a small ripple of awareness that touches the lives of someone who is inspired to touch the life of someone else.  This creates a positive wave of energy and together with focused thought we will make a difference.

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Now I understood why so many were being called to join us on Stradbroke Island atthe last minute.  They too were feeling something deep in their heart.  A knowing that together we could make a difference and fulfill a commitment we had made many generations ago. Stradbroke Island is on the direct navigational pathway ofthe  whales in the Southern Hemisphere and home to many dolphin, manta ray and sea turtles.  I am asking each of you as part of our spiritual family  to take the time over this next weekend no matter where you are to align your energy with thegroup that will gather to illuminate the grid.  To sing to the song lines, dance to thedragon lines and send our collective prayer into the sacred waterways.  The whales and dolphin are calling.  Even with the years of abuse and ignorance from thehuman world they have not given up on us and so we can not give up on them.

August 1st is the celebration of the wheel turning.  In the Northern hemisphere it is Llamas and in the Southern Hemisphere it is Imbolc.  There are also significant planetary alignments taking place at this time that will amplify our collective focus. The whale and dolphin are our celestial brothers and sisters.  They anchor starlight into the waters of our planet through their sonar sounds and  melodic songs.

It doesn’t matter where you are, if you gather together with others or if you are alone.  What matters is you realize how important you are and how we are all woven together.  As we pray to awaken those in positions to make decisions for our environment and how we live together we can also create a beautiful healing for each other.

Many of you have asked me recently for support as you move through times of challenge.  If you will send me the name of those in need or even yourself we will send healing through the sacred waters at the same time.    Our spiritual family grows daily as you share Weave the Web with friends and family. There are thousands that will join together, positioned in every quadrant of our earth star, so ask for the support and you will receive it.  All that is asked is that you too send your prayer to the waters.

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Prepare a bowl of water and place a white rose in the bowl or a piece of rose quartz.  For those of you who have the andara crystal place that in the water as well.  Over the weekend we will be sending prayers of healing and focused thoughts of love to the whales and dolphins.  Hold the bowl of water over your heart and focus on the song lines, dragon lines and cosmic spider web being lit with a high frequency of light.   Practice the dolphin breath.  Inhale a deep healing long breath and release that breath with seven quick breaths.    You will feel your own energy field accelerating.  Practice this breath three times.  Each time feel the lines growing stronger.  If you listen with your heart you will feel the whales and dolphins respond.  They will carry our prayer to the waters and they will feel your love.   When one sends love it truly comes back to you in wondrous ways.  If you are near water gift the bowl of charged water back to the sea, the river, the lake or pond.  If you are not near water offer it back to the earth.  If you live in the city you can offer it to a plant inside your home.  Never underestimate the power of prayer and focused intention.

Thank you for sharing your light as we weave the web together.  Together we continue to make a  difference.

Much love and dolphin cuddles,



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