The Labor Day Blessing!

My Days of Labor …
Who do I serve?

My Human ness unfolds from Gods Grace and Light.

I walk the Mother Earth as she floats through galaxies ….
dancing with the moon, the sun and the stars!

Quieting the mind…listen. Hear it?
The sweet guidance of the souls quest.

A brilliant teardrop of gratitude appears.

Bowing down …The heart merges with the heart of God!!!!
the inner Darshan …a vision of my truth.

A deep breathe of sweet prana and air envelopes,
Love…pure love, beautiful love…..LOVE!

The smile of the universe unfolds in and around !

Arising To the awareness …the presence of actions
…Dharma….and the Lords magnificence!

The illuminating heart,
Directing all actions with an essence of humility,
Lights the way.

I set forth…
In the offering …doing, the sharing, contemplating….and the loving.

…. divine efforts
springing forth ….
……..from humanness!!!

Sad Gurunath Maharaj Ki jay!!!

Thank You Gurumayi and our beloved Bade Baba for your service, inspiration, guidance…and LOVE!

Happy Labor Day!
Dallas, Texas USA

-Scott Carlson

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