June 12 : Richard Phillips Negation of the Universe


In his first US solo museum exhibition, Richard Phillips brings his exploration of contemporary culture to Dallas. His strikingly distinctive paintings address the complex web of pop themes in our media-saturated world – sexuality, politics, power and death among them. For Phillips, critique is as much an intrinsic material in the conception and staging of his work as the materials of their making. His conflating of subject and genre continues to provide challenging comment on the condition and reach of contemporary art.

In a style that both challenges and embraces classical painting techniques, Phillips positions modern day figures within the art historical canon. His subject matter ranges between political figures like George Bush and pop culture icons like Dakota Fanning, Lindsay Lohan and Sasha Gray, as well as found imagery from media sources past and present. While painting remains the backbone of Phillips’ work, his most recent works explore other modes of image production – through short films, photographic stills and sculptures.

When: Now until August
Where: 161 Glass Street Dallas, Texas
Cost: Varies
Link: Dallas Contemporary Museum

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